HAHAHA bästa spelet!!

This combines two of the greatest things known to mankind, pokemon and alcohol. This game will work with the episodes, which are all available online. Alternatively, you could fire up one of the movies, depending on your drinking capacity.


1. Everytime the word pokemon is said, drink.
2. Everytime pikachu says his name, drink.
3. If brock gets a boner over any female (officer jenny for example, drink.
4. If team rocket decides to show up, drink.
5. If someone is not singing along to team rockets theme song, a slap and a drink are in order for the guilty party.
6. If a pokeball is thrown, you must drink.
7. If a legendary pokemon is mentioned, drink for the sheer honour.
8. If ash turns his hat, lookout, 2 drinks for you brave soldier.
9. If psyduck makes an appearance, drink for his sheer incompetence.
10. If psyduck falls on his arse, down it
11. The first person to shout Gary is a bellend, as he appears can nominate one unlucky trooper to drink.
12. Drink everytime togepi says his name (he never shuts up)

(nu är det så att jag inte dricker alkohol, vilket ni redan vet. men jag kände ändå att detta var ett FETT skoj spel!! xD ska lätt spela det någon gång, utan alkohol!!)

Postat av: Karoline


2010-05-27 @ 10:07:20
URL: http://trahison.blogg.se/
Postat av: teddiboii

jag med!

får spela när vi ses ;)

2010-05-27 @ 10:12:44

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